Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stay on target...

A quick update on Rogue Space...I am done with the basic rules!  8 pages, one of those is a cover, and as a concept it really is kind of cool.  Obviously there is a lot of room for more...but in comparison to Weird West RPG and its set up, I think I managed to put more in.  Clearly some things had to be sacrificed to hit the page count, and having to use a large (16pt) font so that it is visible in pocket mod format eats up even more space.  As is though, I think it gets across the skeleton of a game and its concepts.

Now comes some light editing and then the launch....tomorrow!  I have a plan in mind and frankly the rocket ship this became from late night idea to basic rules outline overnight is kind of exciting.  I guess it only seems overnight as it builds upon previous stuff I have done and will do.

So I am going to make the basic rules a free download, get feedback and then we will see what, if anything, comes next.

In the meantime, keep calm and stay on target...

I hope you will check back tomorrow..t-minus 10 hours to launch...

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